About the Guild

The primary goal of The Guild is to promote fine miniatures as an art form, thus removing them from the category of crafts. This goal is achieved in various ways... all of them innovative and exciting! The Guild is a mixture of miniaturists, both collectors and artisans, who have much in common... an appreciation of fine miniatures. We are an organization which unites them both!

The International Guild of Miniature Artisans is a not-for-profit organization. All donations are tax deductable. 

Objectives Board of Trustees Contact Information and Committee Chairs

Objectives of the International Guild of Miniature Artisans

To Promote Miniatures as an Art Form

  1. Through the placement of miniatures in museum and gallery exhibits and collections.
  2. Through involvement in local, state and national art foundations, both public and private.
  3. Through the conduction of an annual public auction of notable miniature works.

To Increase Awareness and Appreciation of High-quality Workmanship Through Public Education

  1. By offering a showcase for top-quality miniatures at an annual show and sale featuring Guild Artisans and Fellows.
  2. Through special Guild educational programs, both for the public and for the miniaturist community.
  3. By seeking opportunities to publicize miniatures in the media and in Guild publications.

To Recognize and Honor Qualified Artisans and Encourage Work of Highest Quality

  1. Through review and selection of qualified members to be conferred with the status of Artisan.
  2. Through the granting of the status of Fellow to Artisans who have achieved excellence in their field.

To Encourage the Development of New Artisans

  1. Through the maintenance of the Guild School where skills can be improved and new techniques learned under the guidance of qualified instructors.

To Coordinate and Serve the Interests and Needs of the Artisan and Non-Artisan

  1. Through publication of "The Cube," the Guild newsletter.
  2. By creating an avenue of communication through participation in the committee work of the Guild where the needs of the artisan, collector and dealer can be expressed.
  3. By establishing a standard of consistent, professional and fair conduct by artisans and dealers.
  4. By increasing the understanding and appreciation of collectors for the unique skills and requirements of the miniaturist.

*Objectives extracted from the Constitution of the International Guild of Miniature Artisans as amended in February 1997.

Board of Trustees


President – Tim O'Dell
1st Vice-President – Peggy Tyler
2nd Vice-President – Cindy Adams
3rd Vice-President – Bev Greenwell
Treasurer – Carolyn LeGeyt
Recording Secretary – Peggy Meyers
Corresponding Secretary – Isabel Leininger


Pete Boorum
Beverly Greenwell
Tim O’Dell
Christine Pratt


Cindy Adams
Pat Hartman
Katie Lafortune
Isabel Leininger
Joanna Marsland


Carole Elliott
Carolyn LeGeyt
Peggy Meyers
Ann Pennypacker
Troy Schmidt
Peggy Tyler

Contact Information


Sophia Harris
Guild Administrator
PO Box 3643
Hollywood, FL 33083
Phone: 800-711-4462

Guild School

Audrey Tripp
School Director
415 E. Richardson Circle
Hartsville, SC, 29550
Tel: 843-409-0404

Guild Show

Linda Zechel
Show Director
Email: guildshowdirector@igma.org

Committee Chairs

Artisan Selection
Sally Manwell

Christine Pratt

CUBE Editor
Joanna Marsland

Peter Kendall

Fellow Selection
Susan Robbins

Tamra Brogdon

Guild Virtual Learning
Tori West

Independent Study
Bev Greenwell

Long Range Planning
Juliana Hagel

Peggy Meyers

Troy Schmidt

Silent Auction
Katie Lafortune

Social Media, Public Relations
Cindy Adams

Web Site
Betsy Roxby